Adolescent Brain Development
Youth Development
Adolescent Brain Development

This eModule explores the adolescent brain and provides an in depth understanding, along with tips and tools  that youth mentors can use to guide and support the attainment of a young person's goals

Aprendizaje centrado en el estudiante y STEM2D (Student Centered Learning and STEM2D)
Aprendizaje centrado en el estudiante y STEM2D (Student Centered Learning and STEM2D)

Este módulo de aprendizaje electrónico autodirigido explora un enfoque centrado en el estudiante. Aprenda estrategias para aumentar la confianza de los jóvenes y desarrollar sus habilidades para resolver problemas y trabajar en equipo....

Becoming Career Ready: Youth Learning Series
Career Exploration/Readiness
Becoming Career Ready: Youth Learning Series

Becoming Career Ready is a five-part learning series designed for learners looking to build their skills and knowledge as they embark on their career journey. Through a series of eModules and real-time sessions, learners will explore the eight...

Becoming Champions for Change: Navigator Learning Series
Becoming Champions for Change: Navigator Learning Series

The Becoming Champions for Change: Navigator Learning Series is a sequence of self-paced e-training designed specifically for Navigators, who include parents, teachers, counselors, advisors, or any other adult helping young people navigate their...

Becoming Champions for Change: Youth Learning Series
Becoming Champions for Change: Youth Learning Series

The Becoming Champions for Change: Youth Learning Series is a sequence of self-paced e-training designed specifically for youth. Learners who complete this course will receive a grounding in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) definitions and...

Career Awareness for Navigators
Career Exploration/Readiness
Career Awareness for Navigators

The Career Awareness for Navigators eModule is a training sequence designed for Navigators who work with youth as they journey through career exploration and discovery phases. Through this training, Navigators will hone and improve their skills...

Career Awareness for Youth & Young Adults
Career Exploration/Readiness
Career Awareness for Youth & Young Adults

The Career Awareness for Youth & Young Adults eModule is a self-paced training designed specifically for youth who are interested in journeying through the career exploration and discovery processes. Youth will explore 21st century and workplace...

Career Starter Kit
Workforce Development
Career Starter Kit

Learners will gain a sense of what skills are needed in the workplace as well as how their strengths and interests may match with various career opportunities. Learners will have a chance to explore marketing themselves in written, verbal, and...

Career Starter Kit for Navigators
Workforce Development
Career Starter Kit for Navigators

Learners will gain a sense of what skills are needed in the workplace as well as how their strengths and interests may match with various career opportunities. Learners will have a chance to explore marketing themselves in written, verbal, and...

College and Career Readiness
Career Exploration/Readiness
College and Career Readiness

While there are many websites and resources that provide students with college and career information, most focus on achieving short-term success — college admission or finding work — rather than the critical connections between college and...

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