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Becoming Career Ready: Youth Learning Series Becoming Career Ready is a five-part learning series designed for learners looking to build their skills and knowledge as they embark on their career journey. Through a series of eModules and real-time sessions, learners will explore the eight... | |||||
Becoming Champions for Change: Navigator Learning Series The Becoming Champions for Change: Navigator Learning Series is a sequence of self-paced e-training designed specifically for Navigators, who include parents, teachers, counselors, advisors, or any other adult helping young people navigate their... | |||||
Becoming Champions for Change: Youth Learning Series The Becoming Champions for Change: Youth Learning Series is a sequence of self-paced e-training designed specifically for youth. Learners who complete this course will receive a grounding in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) definitions and... | |||||
College & Career Readiness The Career Awareness for Navigators eModule is a training sequence designed for Navigators who work with youth as they journey through career exploration and discovery phases. Through this training, Navigators will hone and improve their skills... | |||||
College & Career Readiness The Career Awareness for Youth & Young Adults eModule is a self-paced training designed specifically for youth who are interested in journeying through the career exploration and discovery processes. Youth will explore 21st century and workplace... | |||||
College & Career Readiness While there are many websites and resources that provide students with college and career information, most focus on achieving short-term success — college admission or finding work — rather than the critical connections between college and... | |||||
College & Career Readiness El eMódulo de Concienciación Profesional para Jóvenes y Adultos Jóvenes es una formación a su propio ritmo diseñada específicamente para jóvenes interesados en recorrer los procesos de exploración y descubrimiento profesional. Los... | |||||
College & Career Readiness El eMódulo de Conocimiento de la Carrera para Navegantes es una secuencia de formación diseñada para los Navegantes que trabajan con jóvenes mientras atraviesan las fases de exploración y descubrimiento de la carrera. A través de esta... | |||||
Youth Engagement Exploring STEM2D features a quiz to help students explore STEM2D careers as well as 10 instructor-led activities to generate interest in science, technology, engineering, math, manufacturing and design. | |||||
Youth Engagement Exploring STEM2D features a quiz to help students explore STEM2D careers as well as two instructor-led activities to generate interest in science, technology, engineering, math, manufacturing and design. |